Lobo Tiggre on Money and Ethics (Shanghai)

Here is Lobo Tiggre presenting speaking on Money and Ethics (22min) (MP4)

Casey Lartigue on Markets and Justice (Shanghai)

Here is Casey Lartigue presenting “Markets and Justice: What’s the right thing to do?” (MP4)

(You can also get the MP3.)

Shanghai Rationalist Google Group

If you’re interested in libertarianism, Objectivism, Austrian Economics, LessWrong,Overcoming Bias, Paleo, or transhumanism/futurism, then the Shanghai Rationalist group may have some interesting discussions for you.

Request membership here or message me for an invite.

Shanghai Austrian Economics Summit

This free-market symposium in Shanghai at the Hilton DoubleTree Hotel, runs from evening July 20th through the 22nd, with checkout on the 23rd, plus post-conference tour options.

ISIL is co-sponsoring the conference as an Asian regional event, and is encouraging international libertarians to attend and to explore this fascinating country.

The goal of the 2012 Shanghai conference is to expound on free-market ideas to a Chinese audience and to learn what free-market economists are doing in China. There will be three groups in attendance: 1) international attendees who are interested in both free markets and China; 2) Chinese academic and research economists who are interested in free-market ideas; and 3) university students who want to learn about free-market principles that are not taught in China.


Update: 2012 Shanghai Conference Daily Schedule (PDF)