Here are the audio recordings for the Shanghai Austrian Conference. They were recorded from the speaker’s microphone, so they are higher quality than most of the videos. I am working on matching the audio with the video. Click to play, alt-click to download.
- Opening Ceremony.mp3
- Reiner Heufers Spontaneous Order.mp3
- Robert Sirico Towards a Free and Vrtious Society.mp3
- Tudor Smirna Price Formation and Economic Calculation.mp3
- Casey Lartigue Markets and Justice.mp3
- Chris Lingle Theories of the Business Cycle.mp3
- Doug Bandow The Philosphy and Morality of Markets.mp3
- Feng Zing Yuan Chinese Model or Universal Model.mp3
- Hiroshi Yoshida Opening Taxpayers Eyes.mp3
- Li Weisen Chinas Road a a Rechstaat.mp3
- Mark Skousen Keyens Law vs Says Law.mp3
- Lobo Tigre Speculation and Investing.mp3
Get the presentations for these talks.